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Application for Employment
  • Thank you so much for your interest in being a part of The Compass School of Texas! This is a unique opportunity to be a part of building something new that will make an enduring impact on student's lives and education for generations to come. 

    Please complete the below application and note that an additional technical component will be requested for candidates applying to a role that is responsible for teaching academic content. 

    • Part 1: Create a Lesson Plan with a teaching clear objective. Further details may be found in the specific job description for the role candidate is applying for.
    • Part 2: Film a video of the submitted Lesson Plan (above).  This video should demonstrate a candidate's ability to communicate effectively and present materials thoughtfully with a hands-on opportunity for students to apply learned material to a real-world example. This video should be about 2-3 minutes in length, it should not include any children, and may be conducted outside of a classroom. 

    Either or both parts of the technical component may be uploaded or submitted via a link to Vimeo or Google Drive below, OR if you would like to submit your application and send in either component on a later date, you may email

    Thank you so much and please call (214) 267-9059 or email with any questions.

  • (allowed file types: doc, docx, html, jpeg, jpg, pdf, ppsx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, zip)

  • (allowed file types: doc, docx, jpeg, jpg, pdf)